Original episoft hair lnhibitor serum 30ml price in BD
Episoft Hair Inhibitor Serum is a revolutionary hair growth inhibitor that slows down hair growth, reduces hair density, and promotes softer, smoother skin. This product is ideal for those who want to reduce the frequency of their hair removal routines or for those who have sensitive skin that reacts to waxing or shaving. It is a safe, effective, and easy-to-use alternative to traditional hair removal methods.
The active ingredient in Episoft Hair Inhibitor Serum is Capislow, a plant-based active ingredient that has been clinically proven to reduce hair density and thickness. Capislow works by slowing down the anagen phase of hair growth, which is the active growth phase of the hair follicle. This means that hair growth is slowed down, resulting in thinner and less dense hair.
In addition to Capislow, Episoft Hair Inhibitor Serum also contains natural moisturizers such as aloe vera, which help to soothe and moisturize the skin. This is important because hair removal can often leave the skin feeling dry and irritated. By using a product that contains moisturizers, you can help to prevent dryness and maintain the health of your skin.
Using Episoft Hair Inhibitor Serum is easy. Simply apply a small amount of the serum to the area where you want to reduce hair growth after hair removal. Massage the serum into the skin until it is fully absorbed. For best results, use the serum regularly after hair removal.
Episoft Hair Inhibitor Serum is suitable for use on all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is also safe to use on all areas of the body, including the face, arms, legs, underarms, and bikini area. The serum is free from harsh chemicals such as parabens, sulfates, and phthalates, making it a safe and gentle option for hair growth inhibition.
One of the main benefits of using Episoft Hair Inhibitor Serum is that it can help to save time and money. By slowing down hair growth and reducing hair density, you will need to remove hair less frequently, which can save you time and money in the long run. Additionally, because the serum is an alternative to traditional hair removal methods such as waxing and shaving, you may be able to save money on hair removal products and services.
Overall, Episoft Hair Inhibitor Serum is a safe, effective, and convenient option for reducing hair growth and promoting softer, smoother skin. With regular use, you can enjoy the benefits of reduced hair growth and density, as well as softer, healthier skin.
এই সিরাম আপনার লোমের গোড়ার গুটিকা/গ্রন্থিকোষ পারমানেন্ট রিমুভার করে ও ত্বক মসৃণ করে।
এই সিরাম আপানি যে কোন স্থানে ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন যেটি নিরাপদ এবং ছেলে মেয়ে সবার জন্য।
এটি ব্যবহারে আপনি পাবেন সুন্দর ত্বক। এই সিরাম আপনি আপার লিপ্স, লেগ, বগল, বিকিনি লাইন সহ আবাঞ্জিত লোমে, সব জায়গাই ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন।
৩ টি সেসন মানে প্রথেমে আপনার হেয়ার রিমুভ করবেন আবার বেড়ে উঠবে তারপর আবার রিমুভ করবেন
এই ভাবে ৩ বার এবং এর ভিতর সিরাম ব্যবহার করতে থাকবেন।
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